This could be someone else's story.
For almost four days, I was just—contemplating alone—sitting in a chair to witness what is intriguing in a four-cornered component that displays scenes with the highest priest.
Yes, you imagine it right. I was just watching television since the pope arrived, so my parents go by themselves instead. They were just one of the many people in the neighbourhood, in the nearby communities, or even in the farthest places who were excited, desperate, and joyful to welcome Pope Francis—struggling even in a pinch of vision, just to see him. The effect was contagious. But for me, it's not.
People come and go. People were busy along the streets. Many take their odds. News and gossips were all the same. Pope Francis doesn't even look so much like a pope. Everything's simple. So I wonder what was special in the whole occasion.
But on the last day of the papal visit, when the pope is about to return to his homeland, I took my chance. I know this event hardly happens in the country's history, and I want to be a part of it. The airport's quite near to our house, so I decided to join the jostle of people to catch the last sight of the Pope personally.
Tons of people arrived, perhaps they're also grabbing the opportunity. That day became unexpected.
I've camouflaged in a crowd, that's hopeful amongst different sacrifices. I've walked restless meters and carried hesitation all through. I've also searched for the possible fittest spaces to cram into. I even lose my slippers in sticky mud and get my feet toiled stressfully, then regret not wearing my shoes. I've overcome so many hours of boredom with those occupied and strange citizens. I've cursed the sun until my throat went thirsty. As soon as I got there, I felt so tired and annoyed.
As the popemobile arrives near, the crowd went crazy. I can feel the thrill. People still seem energized despite all their perspiring endeavors. Bare hands, towels, gadgets, children were raised everywhere. All were blocking my tiniest panorama. All were busy making their ways to witness the pope's presence.
Then, bang! In the faint of a second, I've seen nothing but a white mist of his sudden departure from where I stand, a mere sign of his farewell. Praise to the Highest goodness, was it really satisfying? I've waited for about hours, for about a second. But, I know there's something that has brought me there. Something unslakable.
It didn't get me inspired. But, I just felt blessed by the Lord.