Mar 30, 2016

Video Art

#PHVote: Siya na ba talaga?

Brief Statement/Philosophy
  It is our essential duty to establish our freewill and our capacity to make a better and lovelier world, how? In a small step towards big change, we must cast our votes to a worthy leader. We have to decide and work for the sake of the whole— to choose responsibly. Henceforth we may ask again, "siya na ba talaga?"

Why is it necessary to have our votes counted? Why do we have to choose the right leader? We as the youth, expressed through lively and festive colours thereupon, have a significant role in our society; thus being an asset must commit our roles responsibly and productively. These worthy distinctions are portrayed in every detail of the mural. The leading color behind text signifies the color of power, authority, and integrity. The entirety reflects absolute and collective movement.

Medium/Process: Acrylic Paint on Concrete Wall

Jenny Ann Bobadilla
Charity Rico Dultra
Patricia Encarnacion
Rochelle Lazada
Celine Magno
Mariela Moreno
Jean Napeñas
Rikki Mae Valencia